Lots of young people wrongly believe that love is all they need to get married and have a happy life together. They have no idea how much money they have to have to be married and bring up their children. A number of things can go wrong during the marriage. You might have a decent job right now and there is always a possibility of layoff in any industry. Are you ready for the unexpected that can ruin your financial situation?
When you live with your parents at home, you are not fully aware of how much you need to make a living and support the family. Many young people get married without the knowledge and end up fighting and arguing about being unable to pay the bills. Money is one of the top reasons for divorce.
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Once you are married and have children, you may realize that you need more money to support them and you may think you need more education to get a better and high-paying job. Since you have so much responsibility right now, going back to school is nearly impossible. You can be a part-time student but there are still lots of expenses. Even if you get more education, lots of fields like to hire young and fresh graduates.
It is so much easier to get more education when you are young. You don't have to hurry to get married right now. It is better to finish your education and get a decent job that can pay for your marriage life. Sure, there is a chance of layoff, but with a good education or work experience, you have a better chance to find another job.
I have another question for you. Do you think you can support yourself financially if you ever end up divorced or widowed? Some women choose not to finish a higher education or not to pursue her career to get married and raise the children. If the marriage ended up with divorce, they would have a tough time financially.
They might not have time to go back school to get more education because women are likely to get custody of the children and they wouldn't have enough time to study. They didn't work outside home for such a long time, and it may be hard to get a job or hard to compete with others who have been in a workforce for a while. How about child support they receive? You have no ideas how many deadbeat dads there are who don't pay child support.
Future is unpredictable, and anything could happen that ruins your financial future. You should think about every bad scenario possible before getting married. I think the best way to get prepared is that both you and your partner finish school and get decent jobs before even thinking getting married.